“Go forth to love and serve the Lord”
Saint James’ Prayer for Mission
O gracious and loving God, you work everywhere reconciling, loving, and healing your people and your creation. In your Son Jesus and through the power of your Holy Spirit, you invite each of us to join you in your work. We, young and old, lay and ordained, ask you to form us more and more in your image and likeness, through our prayer and worship of you and through the study of your scripture, that our eyes will be fully opened to your mission in the world. Then, God, into our communities, our nation, and the world, send us to serve with Christ, taking risks to give life and hope to all people and all of your creation. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Reaching Out With the Love of Christ
It is this prayer that directs us at Saint James to reach out in the Name of Jesus to serve and share in our community of James Island, in homes and schools, in Charleston and in the world. Please see the report of our Missions Team for places and peoples we are blessed and called to serve with food, love and the Good News of Jesus Christ as Savior.
These words from of Jesus Christ send us out in missions. Matthew, Chapter 25, verses 37-40:
“Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”
At Saint James, we do it for Jesus.
Supporting Global Missions
These are some of the global missions that Saint James Church supports with our missions budget. If you would like to learn more or donate specifically towards global missions, please contact us.
LAMB, Honduras, Central America
LAMB seeks to share the hope found in Christ Jesus as they care for, educate, protect, and empower those suffering extreme poverty, abuse, and exploitation in Honduras. One of its programs is running an elementary school for children in one of the most violent and poverty stricken areas of Tegucigalpa.
For more ways you can support this mission, see the official site of the Lamb Institute.
Save R Kids
Save R Kids is committed to sharing the gift of God’s love with abused and abandoned children in need. They run an orphanage which provides food, a safe and nurturing environment, further after-school study for life preparation, and a focus on a Christian life.
Medical Mission – Cameroon, West Africa
Dr. Jim and Carolyn Brown have been serving as medical missionaries in Cameroon for many years. Jim is the brother of our own Virginia Bartels. Because of civil conflict, the humanitarian crisis there is escalating. Many have lost their livelihood and cannot afford medical care. The Browns have a Benevolent Fund which has helped many patients pay for care they could not otherwise afford. The vast majority of these funds are used for direct patient care- things like surgery, medications, imaging studies, chemotherapy, wheelchairs, and hospital bills. Your contribution could save a life!
Janani Luwum Theological College – Gulu, Uganda
Helping to train indigenous missionaries is one of the most effective ways to spread the gospel. This college is part of the Anglican Diocese of Northern Uganda, and it trains men and women for ordained ministry in Northern Uganda. This is where Rev. Elizabeth Bumpas taught as a missionary in Uganda. Most of the students cannot afford the fees and they struggle to support their families while preparing for the ministry. Islam is spreading quickly in Uganda so the need to raise up leaders for the Church of Uganda is urgent.
Connect with Janani Luwum Theological College and learn more about their mission here!
Frontline Missions – Brazil
Frontline Missions develops and cultivates partnerships within the global church to train and equip followers of Jesus to reach the nations for Christ. Through Frontline, we support an indigenous missionary named Shu Shu, who goes deep into the jungles of Brazil searching for unreached people groups with whom to share the gospel.
Sudanese Refugees – Adjumani, Uganda
More than one million people have fled the civil war in South Sudan and crossed the border into refugee camps in northern Uganda. Dr. Katie Rhodes, an American missionary, is working with groups of Anglican refugees led by Sudanese priests to provide medical care and to run various discipleship and leadership courses in the camps.
Gospel for Asia – Bengal, India
Gospel for Asia has been committed to serving the “least of these” in Asia since 1979, often in places where no one else is serving. For the last several years, Saint James has been sponsoring an indigenous missionary, Bidhya Rai in India through Gospel for Asia. Bidhya serves in the Darjeeling region of Bengal. She works in a women’s ministry teaching, training and lifting women out of hopeless and despair in a culture that treats women like second class citizens, where many face abuse. She also takes the Jesus Film to nearby villages to introduce people to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
To learn more about Gospel for Asia, visit their website.