Saint James Anglican Day School
Please call us at 843-762-8287 for more information, or email us at dayschool@saint-james.org
Location: 1872 Camp Road, Charleston, SC 29412
Hours of Operation: 7:30am – 5:30pm, Monday – Friday
Saint James Day School was conceptualized in 2007 as a service to the community and the ever growing need for child care. Saint James Day School is a nonprofit self-supporting center in which all gifts are used for operational costs and are tax-deductible. As one of the few Christian day care centers in the area, Saint James Day School has the unique opportunity to provide an exclusive program of our own under the guidance and ministry of Saint James Church. Saint James Day School provides care and education in an environment that teaches and models a Christian world view. For the ones and twos we introduce their letters, numbers, shapes, and colors in a variety of ways. We use Mother Goose Time Curriculum and learning centers provide an opportunity for children to learn through active involvement with concrete objects, dramatic play, art, blocks, books, and more each day! Spiritually the child will hear Christian teachers share Bible thoughts, stories, songs and prayers that will help them to gain an understanding of our heavenly father Jesus and the bible.
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
Our Goals for Your Children
Working together with parents to raise up children with the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ through the Scripture, through our words and in all we do.
Encourage, support and help your child grow in positive self-awareness, living confidently as God’s child.
Provide an environment in which your child understands and strengthens relationships.
Plan activities in which the children enhance both small and large motor skills.
Involve your child in appropriate experiences to enhance discovery, communication, conceptualization and creativity skills.
Details & Tuition
Day School Hours: 7:30am – 5:30pm Monday – Friday
Tuition & Other Information as of August 2024:
Tuition is billed monthly and due at the beginning of each month.
Infants: $1,209/month
One’s Class: $1,209/month
Two’s Class: $1,183/month
Three’s Class: $1,157/month
Registration fee: $100
Annual Supply Fee: $200
Our Administrative Staff

Executive Director

Afternoon Director

Morning Director
School Office Phone: 843-762-8287
School Office Email: dayschool@saint-james.org
1872 Camp Rd. Charleston, SC 29412