John 8:36 Ministry
As of the last statistics released, South Carolina had 24 state prisons with an ever-changing population, currently above 20,000. In addition, there are 3 Federal prisons, one military Brig, and a Detention center in every county. Also in every county, there is a Juvenile Justice facility, often housing as young as pre-teen offenders.
The need in the prisons is great. Most of the inmates are unsaved, but many get what folks call “Jailhouse Religion.” Large numbers of men and women never attend any of the church services offered by the Chaplain or volunteers. The need is for mentors, one on one counselors, pen pals, GED teachers, medical volunteers, and other folks who can connect and show the inmate real, living, Christianity outside of the “church” setting.
When someone is in hospital or a nursing home, they appreciate a friendly call, a visit, or a card. Frequently you would have contact with people other than the person you are visiting, giving you the chance to tell them about Jesus. You will answer any questions, read, and pray with them. Ministry in a nursing home requires a long- term commitment.
For information, contact Carl and Gill Green below: